“Partnering with and attending the Cascadia Grains Conference has been a great platform for Skagit Valley Malting to not only share our story, but to learn from other industry professionals and meet new potential customers. From bakers and brewers, to scientists and professors, to our local farmers, we are all part of this greater Northwest grain economy, and finding those common bonds has had a nice impact on the health and sustainability of Skagit Valley Malting.”
Adam Foy i Skagit Valley Malt
Why Give to Cascadia Grains
Cascadia Grains is a biogeographic movement across county and state lines to convene and connect growers, processors, brokers, investors, and policy-makers across the value chain. These events are platforms for the latest science, techniques, research, market opportunities and hands-on learning aimed at cultivating an economically viable network for locally-sourced and value-added grain products. Over the last eight years the initiative has developed into the premier educational and networking events for key stakeholders across the value chain.
What You Get In Return
Premier exposure on all media associated with the network including year-round mailings, print media, and social media/web exposure. Connection with over 50 regional and national organizations. Opportunities to showcase your good work!
Still have questions? Please reach out to Aba Kiser, Project Manager at aba.kiser@wsu.edu or Laura Lewis, Cascadia Grains Chair and WSU Food Systems Statewide Director at laura.lewis@wsu.edu